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PARSTAT 4000A 電化學工作站


PARSTAT 4000A 電化學工作站是一款擁有48V高槽壓滿足高溶液電阻的測試系統,10MHz高頻可覆蓋溶液至固態材料測量;標配4A 電流滿足材料及大容量儲能器件測試; 高電流解析度實現微電極及感測器測量; 具有專業的能源測試模組。

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PARSTAT 4000A電化學工作站是在PARSTAT4000電化學工作站上升級研發的新一款“優先順序”(Reference Grade)電化學工作站。它集“普林斯頓應用研究”50餘年品牌歷史和專業製造DC電化學測量儀器,“輸力強應用研究”60年AC阻抗測試儀器研發及製造的的經驗研發製造,是集合兩個世界頂尖品牌的研發製造技術而生產的*新一款高階研究級電化學工作站系統。

PARSTAT 4000A電化學工作站可以完美應用於以下研究領域,研究電化學,腐蝕和塗層,電池/電容器,燃料電池/太陽能電池,感測器,生物醫學應用和奈米科技。提供更高的測試速度,多功能性和精度,新的PARSTAT 4000A電化學工作站是一個建立在客戶應用建議基礎上研發設計的完美例子。

  • +/- 48V高槽壓
  • +/- 4A標配大電流輸出(*大可擴充套件至+/- 20A)
  • 40pA*小電流量程,解析度達1.2fA
  • 10uHz ~ 10MHz阻抗測試
  • 1uS高速取樣,儀器內建4M快取,以防資料丟失
  • 小電流選件,可達80fA*小量程,2.5aA*小電流解析度
  • 帶有標準接地浮置功能
輸出電壓 ±48V
輸出電流 ±4A (標配)
±20A (選配)
電位控制 (恆電位模式)
施加電位範圍 ±10V(+/-48V可擴充套件)
電流控制 (恆電流模式)
施加電流範圍 ±4A (標配), ±20A (選配)
電位測量範圍 ±10V  ( +/-100V,可透過增壓器選件擴充套件)
阻抗模組 (EIS) 選件
模式 電位控制/電流控制
掃描方式 線性 or 對數
iR 補償
動態 iR 補償
介面 (標配)
數字輸入/數字輸出 5 TTL logic 輸出, 2 TTL logic 輸入
計算機 / 軟體
通訊介面 USB模式
作業系統 Windows XP, or Windows  7, 8, 10
PC 配置 (至少需求) Core i 5  / 4GB memory 高資料採集需要大記憶體
軟體 VersaStudio/ VersaStudio Developers Kit(VDK)
電壓 750VA Max. Voltage range 90Vac to 250Vac, 50-60Hz
尺寸(長X寬X高) 515 x 490 x 195mm
重量 50lbs, 23kgs
使用環境溫度 10°C to 50°C
溼度 Maximum 80% non-condensing
理想溫度 25°C
Dummy Cell 模擬電解池 內建 (DC only)
CE 認證 透過
20A 電流放大器選項 型號
±20A 大電流選項,支援化學電池、燃料電池及電鍍應用,在電流放大及通常操作模式之間轉換,僅需簡單的電纜連線。 20A/ PARSTAT4000
即插即用,小電流選項 VersaSTAT LC
高階輔助輸入介面Advanced Auxiliary Interface
此 AAI 選項,允許附加一個帶有4個A/D轉換輸入介面,使得Versastudio software 透過VersaSTAT主機獲得更多記錄資料。 AAI/PARSTAT4000
Corrosion Cell Kit 腐蝕電解池 K0047
Corrosion Flat Cell 平板電解池 K0235
Micro-Cell Kit 微電解池 K0264
Analytical Cell Kit 分析電解池 RDE0018
Tait Cell 塗層評價池 K0307
石英晶體微天平 QCM922
旋轉盤電極 616
旋轉環盤電極 636

全功能電化學綜合測試VersaStudio 軟體





開路電位 方波伏安 控制電位阻抗
線性掃描 差分脈衝伏安 控制電流阻抗
迴圈伏安 (單次) 常規脈衝伏安 Loop迴圈實驗
迴圈伏安 (多次迴圈) 反相常規脈衝伏安 延時功能
階梯線性掃描 零阻計(電化學噪聲) 資訊提示功能
階梯迴圈伏安 (單次) 電偶腐蝕 開路電位測試功能
階梯迴圈伏安 (多次) 迴圈極化 輔助輸入介面
計時電流 線性極化 外部應用觸發
計時電位 Tafel塔菲爾曲線 DAC 輸出控制
計時電量 恆電位 電極表面預處理
快速電位脈衝 動電位 預沉積
快速電量脈衝 恆電流 系統平衡
週期電位脈衝 動電流 系統淨化
週期電量脈衝 動態 iR iR補償測量



PARSTAT 4000 Brochure

PARSTAT Brochure (P3000 & P4000+)



Basics of Voltammetry and Polarography

Fundamentals of Stripping Voltammetry

Square Wave Voltammetry

A Review of Techniques for Electrochemical Analysis

Basics of Corrosion Measurements

Electrochemistry and Corrosion Overview and Techniques


Differences in Cyclic Voltammetry and Staircase Cyclic Voltammetry in VersaStudio

Performing Stripping Voltammetry With a VersaSTAT and VersaStudio Software

Connecting a Potentiostat to an External Resistor



20A 電流放大器選項 型號
±20A 大電流選項,支援化學電池、燃料電池及電鍍應用,在電流放大及通常操作模式之間轉換,僅需簡單的電纜連線。 20A/ PARSTAT4000
即插即用,小電流選項,電流量程為80fA,解析度達2.5aA VersaSTAT LC
輔助輸入介面Advanced Auxiliary Interface
此 AAI 選項,允許附加一個帶有4個A/D轉換輸入介面,使得Versastudio software 透過VersaSTAT主機獲得更多記錄資料。 AAI/PARSTAT4000
Corrosion Cell Kit 腐蝕電解池 K0047
Corrosion Flat Cell 平板電解池 K0235
Micro-Cell Kit 微電解池 K0264
Analytical Cell Kit 分析電解池 RDE0018
Tait Cell 塗層評價池 K0307
石英晶體微天平 QCM922
旋轉盤電極 616
旋轉環盤電極 636



1) Jae-Won Park, Chul-Ku Lee, Mechanical properties and sensitization on clad steel welding design, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 13 (2012) 2209-2214 , Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul


2) G. Bolat, D. Mareci, Investigation of the electrochemical behavior of TiMo alloys in simulated physiological solutions, Electrochimica Acta, 113 (2013) 470-480, University of La Laguna, Spain


3) A.Kazek-Kęsik, G.Dercz, Surface treatment of a Ti6Al7Nb alloy by plasma electrolytic oxidation in a TCP suspension, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Poland


4) A. C. Bărbînţă, D. Mareci, The estimation of corrosion behavior of new TiNbTaZr alloys for biomedical applications, Materials and Corrosion, The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, (Romania)


5) L. A. Dragan-Raileanu, R. Chelariu, Electrochemical behavior of new experimental TiNbZrAl      alloys for dental applications, Materials and Corrosion,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania


6) Georgiana Bolata, Javier Izquierdo, Electrochemical characterization of ZrTi alloys for biomedical applications. Part 2: The effect of thermal oxidation, Electrochimica Acta, 102 (2013) 432-439, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Romania


7) Jae-Won Park, Chul-Ku LeeMechanical properties and sensitization on clad steel welding design, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 14 (2014) 1939-1945, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul


8) Hassan H. Elsentriecy, Huimin Luo, Effects of pretreatment and process temperature of a conversion coating produced by an aprotic ammonium-phosphate ionic liquid on magnesium corrosion protection, Electrochimica Acta, 123(2014) 58-63, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA


9) L. Guan, B. Zhang, The reliability of electrochemical noise and current transients characterizing metastable pitting of Al–Mg–Si microelectrodes, Corrosion Science, 80 (2014)1–6, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


10) Yaya Li,   Zhenzhen Yang, Self-aligned graphene as anticorrosive barrier in waterborne polyurethane composite coatings , Journal of Materials Chemistry A, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/ 2014/ta/c4ta02262a#!divAbstract


11) Ting-Feng Yi, Bin Chen, Enhanced rate performance of molybdenum-doped spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials for lithium ion battery, Journal of Power Sources,  247(2014)778–785, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan, People's Republic of China


12) Li Zhao, Wenbo Yue, Synthesis of graphene-encapsulated mesoporous In2O3 with different particle size for high-performance lithium storage,Electrochimica Acta, 116 (2014) 31–38, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P. R. China


13) Wenbo Yue,  Shuhua Jiang, Sandwich-structural graphene-based metal oxides as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (2013) 6928- 6933Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P. R. China


14) Wenbo Yue, Shanshan Tao, Carbon-coated graphene–Cr2O3 composites with enhanced electrochemical performances for Li-ion batteries, Carbon, 65 (2013) 97–104, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P. R. China


15) Sheng Yang, Xiaojing Yang, Graphene-Based Mesoporous SnO2 with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 23 (2013) 3570-3576, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, P. R. China


16) Xinghua Guo, Keqin Du, Application of a composite electrolyte in a solid-acid fuel cell system: A micro-arc oxidation alumina support filled with CsH2PO4, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2013) 16387–16393, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang, China


17) Zhengfu Tong, Zhenghua Su, In situ prepared Cu2ZnSnS4 ultrathin film counter electrode in dye-sensitized solar cells, Materials Letters,121 (2014) 241–243, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China


18) York R. Smith, Biplab Sarma, Single-step anodization for synthesis of hierarchical TiO2 nanotube arrays on foil and wire substrate for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (2013) 2062–2069, University of Utah, USA


19) Yao Xiao, Qing Lv, Preparation of Pt hollow nanotubes with adjustable diameters for methanol electro-oxidation, RSC Advances., 2014,4, 21176-21179, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China



20) Ting-Feng Yi, Shuang-Yuan Yang, Effect of temperature on lithium-ion intercalation kinetics of LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4-positive-electrode material, Ionics, 20 (2014) 309-314, Anhui University of Technology, PRC


21) Maciej Sowa, Alicja Kazek-Kęsik, Modification of tantalum surface via plasma electrolytic oxidation in silicate solutions, Electrochimica Acta, 114 ( 2013) 627–636, Silesian University of Technology, Poland


22) York R. Smith, Biplab Sarma, Light-Assisted Anodized TiO2 Nanotube Arrays, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11 (2012) 5883–5890, University of Utah, USA


23) Wojciech Simkaa, , , Maciej Sowa, Anodic oxidation of zirconium in silicate solutions

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24) Zhaolin Chen, Hongtao Zhang, mbrane on the electrosorption performance of activated                  carbon based electrodes modules, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (2013) 16-18,                  Tsinghua University, Beijing


25) Venkata N.MadhiraPeng Ren, Synthesis and electronic properties of a pentafluoroethyl -            derivatized nickel pincer complex, Dalton Trans., 41(2012)7915-7919, University of Hawaii,             USA


26) Maciej Sowa, Alicja Kazek-Kęsik, Modification of niobium surfaces using plasma electrolytic          oxidation in silicate solutions, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Silesian University of            Technology, Poland

上壹個:ModuLab XM ECS

下壹個:PARSTAT 3000A電化學工作站


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