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VersaScan微區掃描電化學工作站是一個建立在電化學掃描探針的設計基礎上的,進行*高測量解析度及空間解析度的非接觸式微區形貌及電化學微區測試系統。它是提供給電化學及材料測試以極高空間解析度的一個測試平臺。每個VersaSCAN都具有高解析度,長工作距離的閉環定位系統並安裝於抗震光學平臺上。不同的輔助選件都安裝於定位系統上,輔助選件包括,如電位計,壓電振動單元,或者鐳射感測器,為不同掃描探針試驗,定位系統提供不同的功能。VersaSTAT恆電位儀和Signal Recovery 7230鎖相放大器和定位系統整合在一起,由乙太網來控制,保證小訊號的精確測量。
-AC-SECM 無氧化還原介質掃描電化學顯微鏡
-Stylus-Probe 柔性探針技術-等距離掃描電化學顯微鏡
VersaSCAN SECM 整合了定位系統、兩臺VersaSTAT恆電位儀和錐形拋光的*微電極探針為一體。SECM多樣化的技術提供了高空間解析度,可應用於反應動力學,生物感測器,催化劑和腐蝕機理等研究。
VersaSCAN SVET 整合了定位系統及鎖相放大器技術(Signal Recovery Lock-in Amplifier), 壓電振動模組, 電位計和單絲探針。 SVET技術測量溶液中的電壓降。電解液中的電壓降是由樣品表面的區域性電流所導致的。 SVET提供高解析度可應用於不均勻腐蝕,點蝕,焊接和電耦合等。此外,SVET還有生物方面的應用。
VersaSCAN LEIS 整合了 定位系統和VersaSTAT 3F 及差分電壓選項, 靜電計,雙探頭探針。 LEIS技術是透過測量施加於樣品的交流電壓和由探針所測量的溶液中交流電流的比值,來計算區域性阻抗,LEIS加入高的空間解析度,可應用於有機塗層,裸露的金屬腐蝕,和所有和增加的交流技術相關的應用。
VersaSCAN SKP整合定位系統及鎖相放大器技術(Signal Recovery Lock-in Amplifier), 壓電振動模組, 電位計和鎢絲探針。SKP 技術測量探針和樣品表面位置的相對功函差。這是一個非破壞的技術,可運行於環境氣氛,潮溼氣氛和無電解液情況下。相對功函已經被證實與腐蝕電位 (Ecorr)相關。SKP 提供的高空間解析度可應用於材料,半導體,金屬腐蝕,甚至這些材料上的塗層。
VersaSCAN SDC 整合電位系統和一臺VersaSTAT, 一個機械加工的PTFE 滴液系統頭, 以及一個蠕動泵。SDC 技術對電解液微滴進行電化學測量, 固定電極/電解液介面的面積。SDC提供高空間解析度可應用於動力學,腐蝕,流體研究和任何研究樣品表面微小面積而無需破壞樣品的應用或者控制面積在不同電解液中的暴露時間的應用。
VersaSCAN OSP整合定位系統和高精度,高速度鐳射位移感測器。 OSP 技術使用漫反射機理用於樣品的表面形貌。OSP可作為非常靈敏水平的機制用於表面形貌測量,,或繪製地形圖與其它掃描探針技術一起應用於樣品表面定距離掃描測試。
-AC-SECM 無氧化還原介質掃描電化學顯微鏡
-Stylus-Probe 柔性探針技術-等距離掃描電化學顯微鏡
1) Title: Electrodeposited silica film interlayer for active corrosion protection
Author: Yan-Hua Liu and Ji-Ming Hu etal., Zhejiang University
Corrosion Science 120 (2017) 61–74
2) Title: Synthesis and characterization of composite nanoparticles of mesoporous silica loaded with
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Author: Xin Ma and, Xiangbo Li, Luoyang Ship Material Research Institute (LSMRI)
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3) Title: Passivation and potential fluctuation of Mg alloy AZ31B in alkaline environments
Author: Shengxi Li and Hong Bo Cong etal. The University of Akron, USA
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4) Title: Corrosion protection mechanisms of carbon nanotube and zinc-rich epoxy primers on
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5) Title: Pitting mechanism in a stainless steel-reinforced Fe-based amorphous coating
Author: Peng Xu, Cheng Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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6) Title: Low-Temperature-Processed 9% Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaic Devices through Interfacial
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7) Title: Screening of Novel Anti-Corrosion Coatings By Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM)
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8) Title: Electrochemically generated sol-gel films as the inhibitor containers of super hydrophobic
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9) Title: Application of Localized Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Lithium-Ion Cathodes
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10)Title: An ionic liquid–graphene oxide hybrid nanomaterial: synthesis and anticorrosive applications
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11) Title: Synergistic Effect of Polypyrrole-Intercalated Graphene for Enhanced Corrosion Protection of Aqueous Coating in 3.5% NaCl Solution
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12) Inhibitor or promoter: Insights on the corrosion evolution in a graphene protected surface
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13) Title: High-throughput combinatorial chemical bath deposition: The case of doping Cu (In, Ga) Se film with antimony
Authors: Zongkai Yan, Xiaokun Zhang, and Xiang Yong etc.
Applied Surface Science 427 (2018) 1235–1241, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
14) Title: Mapping the antioxidant activity of apple peels with soft probe scanning electrochemical microscopy
Authors: Tzu-En Lin and Hubert H. Girault etal. EPFL, Switzerland
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 786 (2017) 120–128
15) Title: Anticorrosive behavior of a zinc-rich epoxy coating containing sulfonated polyaniline in 3.5% NaCl solution
Authors: Feng Yang, and Haichao Zhao, Ningbo Institute of Material
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16) Title: Novel nitrogen doped carbon dots for corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in 1 M HCl solution
Authors: Mingjun Cui, Liping Wang and Qunji Xue, Ningbo Institute of Material
Applied Surface Science 443 (2018) 145–156
17) Title: Monitoring Tyrosinase Expression in Non-metastatic and Metastatic Melanoma Tissues by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
Authors: Tzu-En Lin, Alexandra Bondarenko, and Hubert H. Girault, EPFL, Switzerland
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18) Title: Combined scanning electrochemical and fluorescence microscopies using a tetrazine as
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19) Title: Rapid inkjet printing of high catalytic activity Co3O4/N-rGO layers for oxygen reduction reaction
Authors: Baohong Liu and Hubert H. Girault Andreas Lesch, EPFL and Fudan University
Applied Catalysis A, General 563 (2018) 9–17
20) Title: Determining Li+Coupled Redox Targeting Reaction Kinetics of Battery Materials with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
Authors: Ruiting Yan, Jalal Ghilane, Kia Chai Phuah, Thuan Nguyen Pham Truong, Stefan AHyacinthe Randriamahazaka and Qing Wang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018, 9, 491−496
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