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Solartron Analytical, a part of AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology, warrants each instrument of its own manufacture to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of ONE year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser. Obligations under this Warranty shall be limited to replacing, repairing or giving credit for the purchase, at our option, of any instruments returned, shipment prepaid, to our Service Department for that purpose, provided prior authorization for such return has been given by an authorized representative of AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology.

This Warranty shall not apply to any instrument, which our inspection shall disclose to our satisfaction, to have become defective or unusable due to abuse, mishandling, misuse, accident, alteration, negligence, improper installation, or other causes beyond our control. This Warranty shall not apply to any instrument or component not manufactured by AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology. When products manufactured by others are included in AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology equipment, the original manufacturer’s Warranty is extended to AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology customers. AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology reserves the right to make changes in design at any time without incurring any obligation to install same on units previously purchased.

There are no warranties which extend beyond the above. This warranty is in lieu of, and excludes any and all other warranties or representations, expressed, implied or statutory, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, as well as any and all other obligations or liabilities of AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology, including, but not limited to, special or consequential damages. No person, firm or corporation is authorized to assume for AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology any additional obligation or liability not expressly provided for herein except in writing duly executed by an officer of AMETEK Advanced Measurement Technology.




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聯繫電話: +886-3-575-0099 ext 208



聯繫電話:021-58685111-AMT SI,4008353166轉1,amt.si.china@ametek.com



聯繫電話:010-85262111-12,186 0067 3523,amt.si.china@ametek.com



聯繫電話:010-85262111-15,138 1746 0237

+886-3-575-0099 ext 208
